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The coronavirus has been a destructive force over the last 5 months adding several stressors to our lives including job loss, social isolation, childcare challenges, and general uncertainty. And as these stressors continued to be prolonged, the long-term effects can be taxing on our mental health impact our personal and professional lives.

This month, San Diego Tech Hub, will host a panel discussion addressing the topic of Pandemic Fatigue. Our panel of experts have experience in the fields of emotional intelligence, leadership and career development, and design thinking, all knowledge that will help us learn what pandemic fatigue is, how to recognize it, and what coping mechanisms can be used to help you regain control of your lives.

Themes covered in this session include:

– The impact of pandemic fatigue and how do we address it?

– People are fed up with being locked up. Techniques to bring back our sanity.

– Does the flexibility of working from home cause burnout: who is really in control?

– Not every company has embraced the concept of remote and flexible working, does it matter?

– A view into a post COVID world. What risks do we need to anticipate?

Panelist Bios

Serena Santillanes: Founder, President as well as a Professional Career Counselor and Facilitator with Career Journeys. For over 20 years, Serena has been the creator of innovative professional development programs in emotional intelligence, leadership and career development for prominent universities, organizations, and corporate teams. She has also assisted thousands of career transitioning adults in realizing their professional aspirations. She has a Master’s degree in Counseling, Career Counseling, and is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Serena’s passion is around developing practical solutions that transform people, teams and organizations.

Elise Boggs: Certified Emotional Intelligence coach, Professor of Leadership, and a leadership coach and consultant. Over the last 15 years, she’s supported the development of thousands of leaders across many different industries including the military, medicine, law enforcement, engineering, technology, education, and entertainment. Notable clients include the U.S. Navy Seals, Adobe, Fed-Ex, and the American Red Cross. Her mission is to help people become skilled leaders.

James Vinh: President of SDXD (San Diego Experience Design), a community of over 3,000 UX Professionals who meet regularly to foster education, connection, and inspiration. He received a B.S. in Human-Computer Interaction from UC Irvine and specializes in qualitative user research. James previously worked in Biotech at Thermo Fisher Scientific and Medical Devices at Reflexion Health.

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