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HeadTrash, much like regular trash, is something most everyone has, but not everyone knows how to handle if one person allows clutter to pile up, it affects everyone else. In an increasingly connected world, communication and relational skills can make or break careers (and relationships).

In this month’s meeting, Tish Squillaro, CEO, Founder of CANDOR Consulting, and Author of HEADTRASH2 will take you through an in-depth workshop on how to respond to individual anger, arrogance, control, fear, insecurity, guilt, and paranoia preventing you from addressing issues in a productive and professional way.

This must-attend webinar is for anyone whose work or home life is filled with head trash that needs to be cleaned out.

To get the most out of this workshop, please take the HeadTrash Index found here: http://headtrash911.com/the-headtrash-index/the-index.php.

Note: Save the report once retrieved in PDF format, as it will be supplemental material during the workshop.

At the HeadTrash workshop, you will…

  • See how HeadTrash severely impacts companies and individual performance
  • Identify your own HeadTrash through the HeadTrash Index®
  • Explore how your HeadTrash Cocktail® might be influencing your decision making
  • Learn about the HeadTrash Paradox® – How Companies Unanimously Agree to do the Wrong Things
  • Gain insights into how to take “ownership” of your own HeadTrash
  • How to replace your HeadTrash with healthier more effective behaviors

When you don’t control your emotions but your emotions control you – you have HeadTrash!


Zoom Meeting Details

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84797547549

Or join by phone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID: 847 9754 7549

Speaker Bio

Tish Squillaro
CEO, Founder C​ANDOR​ Consulting and Author

With more than 17 years of experience advising companies on Strategic Talent Management, Organizational Dynamics, Team Effectiveness, and Business Mediation, Tish helps build effective teams and leaders to
achieve business goals. Tish has a unique approach and becomes not just a partner with her clients, but she becomes an extension of the team. Drawing on a wealth of knowledge, she has expertise in change management, acquisition planning and integration, multicultural organizational dynamics, and behavioral economics. She believes that every conversation should produce an outcome and will address the issues that no one else will with her sharp problem-solving skills and strong mediation techniques. Working closely with CEOs, executive leadership, board members, and key stakeholders, Tish uncovers the root cause of business challenges and addresses them directly with clear, long-term, results-oriented solutions.

As a partner, Tish Squillaro faces every challenge as an opportunity for a solution. A true New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn, Tish set the foundation for a successful future by paying her own way through private high school followed by the University of Pennsylvania. Upon graduating, she immediately launched her own business when she saw a need for doggy daycare. After 13 years of building her business, she followed her true calling in people dynamics and strategy in Human Capital leadership positions. Once again, seeing a business need, this time for Talent and Organizational Strategy, Tish started ​CANDOR​ Consulting in 2007. An award-winning author, Smart CEO Philadelphia BRAVA award winner, guest-speaker on radio and TV, she never stops seeking ways to help her clients. In 2019 Tish launched CANDOR TV a monthly video series on her most commonly asked leadership questions. She resides in Haverford, PA with her husband and two children.

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