Bitcoin has reached over $1 trillion in market cap, with a single Bitcoin priced at almost $60K. What does the future hold for this cryptocurrency powerhouse?
Join San Diego Tech Hub and keynote speaker, the “Bitcoin Bull”, and Co-Founder of humble ventures, Harry Alford, where he will discuss the historical patterns of cryptocurrency, blockchain infrastructure, the difference between Bitcoin and blockchain, Ethereum, DeFi, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and much more.
Want the 411 on the Bitcoin Technological Revolution, this is one event you won’t want to miss.
**Talk Abstract**
According to Carlotta Perez, author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages, there have been five technological revolutions: the industrial revolution, age of steam, age of steel, electricity & heavy engineering, age of oil, automobiles & mass production, and age of information & telecommunications. Each technological revolution requires an adequate framework where both financial and production capital play crucial roles on a recurring sequence about every 50 years by new entrepreneurs, risk-takers, and investors. There are two periods in which this technological revolution transpires — installation and deployment.
People will have unprecedented freedom in the next technological revolution.
Today, Bitcoin and blockchain protocols enable a more decentralized financial world, taking what used to be highly complicated transactions and distilling them down to simple clicks. The previous technological revolutions built new technology while relying on an existing financial structure. What makes this period we’re living in so fascinating is the combination of technology AND financial structure.
Is Bitcoin the sixth technological revolution, and if so, which phase are we witnessing? That is the question we will explore together.
** Speaker Bio **
Harry Alford is Co-Founder of venture development firm, humble ventures, where he accelerates the growth of tech startups in partnership with large enterprises and investors.
A 4x founder, Harry has experience leading sales and business development engagements, innovation consulting, investing, and exiting an e-commerce startup.
In addition to being a Techstars mentor and blogging about bitcoin and decentralized finance (DeFi) for the past five years, Harry is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, where he supports and develops minority students interested in entrepreneurship.
Harry holds a BA from the University of Maryland, an MA from Georgetown University, and an MBA from Babson College. Harry is based in Washington, DC.
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